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"alveolar weathering"
A previous article relating to a series of outcrops of an Oligocene sandstone (Macigno) located in Tuscany along a N-NW S-SE band, illustrated that the compression strength values measu-red with the Schmidt Hammer gradually decreased from north to south. This study applies the same criteria and methods to the outcrops of another sandstone (Pietraforte = Strong Stone) belonging to the geological formation of the Super Gruppo della Calvana from the Cretace-ous-Eocene age. The results reveal a similar trend for the outcrops between Poppi (lat. 43°45’)...

It is well known that climatic factors can influence the degradation of rocks in different geographic environments, thus affecting the durability of natural construction materials. Research has been carried out to assess the current state of natural degradation of an Oligocene-Miocene lithic greywacke occurring without appreciable lithological and mineralogical variations from, NW to SE in Tuscany (northern...

Stone weathering is strongly controlled by the intrinsic properties of the stone and by its use. Previous studies demonstrate that the response to natural or artificial ageing processes of the rocks seems to be strongly influenced by the pore structure of the stone. A better understanding of this phenomenon is provided by the study and characterization of porosity and of the pore structure at different...

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