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"geotechnical verification"

The Austrian standard ONR 24810, 2020 regulates the effects of actions, design, construction, monitoring and maintenance of rockfall protection embankments. This standard describes the design concept and the constructions in detail. The basic principles are based on the research results of Hofmann & Mölk, 2012, Hofmann et al., 2013, Hofmann et al., 2017 and Hofmann et al., 2020. The constructions are differentiated into five types depending on the front facing and the geosynthetic reinforcement (Table 2). Type I refers to embankments without...

This paper illustrates the geological-technical problems encountered in the design and construction of the Küchelberg road tunnel, which constitutes the second completion lot of the Merano bypass in the province of Bolzano, and in particular the characteristics of the specifically developed monitoring system. The tunnel layout runs in an urban environment with low overburden for approximately 2 km in two clearly distinct geological conditions that affect approximately 50% of the tunnel: the Merano side (west) in alluvial soils, the Passirio side...
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